Deadlocks Analysis Missing

💪 Now available

Hi Team,

Thanks a lot of a fantastic tool that calls out almost all the DB issues. Appreciate your great work!!

Also it would have been great to capture deadlocks as i don't see them during monitoring. This one feature if enabled am sure i could convince my organization for an enterprise license.

Saiabhishek Aruru

2 years ago

Mick Mcguinness

Deadlock screen is now available for SQL Server and Oracle in DBmarlin v3.7

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Saiabhishek Aruru

Also, it would be great to analyze blocked sessions as well. It will be easy to identify a query that has blocked other queries during an interval of time. This blocked duration would help DBAs to analyze the dependency of long running queries

0    2 years ago    Reply

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Saiabhishek Aruru

Hi Mick... Thanks a lot for your reply..

We currently use DB Marlin for both SQL and Oracle DBs... i think we would need to see this feature irrespective of the type.

But at least for the initial phrases, i would love to see Deadlock capture and initial recommendations for both SQL and Oracle type of DBs

0    2 years ago    Reply

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Mick Mcguinness

Thanks for the feedback. Which database type(s) would you like to see deadlock analysis?

1    2 years ago    Reply

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